Corporate Travel Management System (CTMS)

Jul, 2017

This system encapsulates all the meetings, itineraries, and financial expenses related to a particular Trip for any Delegate working within the government who travels abroad on work-related business. This system allows authorised users to create meetings, trips, itineraries, adjustments and subsistence for a delegate, to seek approvals from higher ups, and ultimately pass it forward to either the Government’s treasury or the Entity’s Accounts Officer for the approval of any expense that the delegate has incurred. CTMS also serves as a central digital hub, where all the physical files, and documents pertaining to a trip can be replaced by this system since document trails can be uploaded at every stage for audit purposes. This system can also be used for budgeting purposes where authorised users can issue reports highlighting the expenses incurred amongst all the Government level or at Ministry / Department / Entity level, such as Flights, Adjustments and Subsistence, Insurances amongst others.